four-story building, 1374㎡
Completed on September 30, 2011, the four-story building was constructed for the Grand Opening
Ceremony on November 19, 2011.
Inside this building:
1st floor lobby features exhibition of the history of Kake Educational Institution.
2nd floor houses a student lounge with free Wi-Fi internet network.
3rd floor has administrative offices.
4th floor is a multipurpose hall with a 150 seating capacity.

Inside this building

Completed on November 13, 2009, this gate welcomes new students at the start of their
studies and bids farewell to departing graduates.

Completed on October 10, 2009, the information board serves to inform students of events
happening on campus in full color.

 November 19, 2011
Erected on November 9, 2011, this statue was artistically sculpted by the dedicated hands of
Jiro Hiruta, professor emeritus at Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts. The statue sits at
the center of our newly built rotary. Opening Ceremony was held on November 19, 2011.
Created for the 50th Anniversary Celebration and awarded to students for scholarly excellence and
students in need of financial assistance.